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Jindal to focus on education, staff replacements

Gov. Bobby Jindal began work to fill positions for his second term as governor, including the replacement of his chief of staff. Jindal plans to focus on elementary and secondary education improvements. The governor won his re-election bid this weekend with 66 percent of the vote.  Full article


Alexandria area jobs up vs June 2010

The latest LA Workforce Commission report indicated that LA’s annual job growth slowed in June, but the state still posted its largest number of private-sector jobs since December 2008. Better news: Alexandria’s metro area gained 1,400 jobs to wind up 2,900 ahead of June 2010. The metro area's unemployment rate for June was 7.8 percent, compared with 8.1 percent statewide in Louisiana and 9.3 percent nationwide. Full article.


Layoffs become rarer even with unemployment high

If you have a job, you're less likely to lose it than at any point in at least 14 years. If you are unemployed, however, finding a job remains a struggle because research indicated that employers won't likely step up hiring until they feel more confident about the economy. Full article.  


Getting ready for new business from mystery company

Three trucks recently brought in kilns to the Port of Alexandria and more trucks were on the way with equipment for a new business moving to the port. Port and economic development officials indicated that an announcement on the company name and the projected jobs it will bring is expected mid-February.   Full article.   


Southern job forecast better than rest of nation

Right Management’s recent survey of more than 700 US firms indicated that Southern business owners have a brighter job forecast than the rest of the nation. Fifty-three percent of the southern companies polled predicted "practically no" staff cutbacks in 2011, compared with 52% of businesses polled nationwide. Full article.  


Efforts continue to keep StarTek in Alexandria

Efforts continue to help keep StarTek in Alexandria. StarTek announced on Nov. 30 that it would likely close the Alexandria call center and lay off more than 300 employees by the end of January. StarTek spokeswoman Rosemary Hanratty said, "At this time, there is no final determination on the closure of the Alexandria site."    Full article.  


U.S. Factories Buck Decline

U.S. manufacturing, viewed as a lost cause by many Americans, has begun creating more jobs than it eliminates for the first time in more than a decade. Government data show that as the economy recovered and big companies began upgrading old factories or building new ones. Manufacturing should be at least a modest contributor to total employment in the next couple of years, these economists say.  Full article.  


Industry Clusters Can Add Jobs, Bolster Entrepreneurship, and Spark Innovation

States need to cultivate their industry clusters as a low-cost way to stimulate innovation, new-firm start-ups, and job creation. Clusters also give governors a way to articulate a vision of economic prosperity, engage stakeholders in driving recovery, boost export intensity, and bring focus and discipline to investments and policies. Full article.


Blade Dynamics hires at N.O. Michoud Assembly facility

LA Economic Dev recently announced that Blade Dynamics Ltd. will begin hiring 40 technical operators at the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. Blade Dynamics has committed to create 600 new direct jobs by 2015 with an average annual salary of approximately $48,000, plus benefits. Full Article.  


To boost growing small businesses, start mentoring

Small businesses will play a pivotal role in creating jobs and helping our economy recover, and nothing can give mid-to-late-stage entrepreneurs a better leg up than connecting them to business leaders and all the resources they command. Launching startups requires folks with ideas, passion, and energy, but scaling them takes management expertise. Full article.  

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