
David Hall, Monk’s Tractor Parts

ELS® has been a very enjoyable experience. I was looking for a mentor because I was growing tired of realizing my mistakes after the fact, after the damage was done.Monks Tractor I wanted help in preventing those mistakes.
Someone told me about ELS® and explained that the coaches were local people who have been in business and could identify with the struggles facing entrepreneurs. It is because of that hands-on experience that I knew ELS® was exactly what I was looking for. I can discuss my ideas with my coach, and now I have additional insight to help me think about my decisions. This input helps me avoid making new mistakes or eliminates making the same ones over again.

Six months before I became an ELS® client, I moved my business from a rural site to an urban location. My coach suggested ways to publicize and market my business. Some of the ideas suggested I had never thought of before. I received advice to increase revenues by looking at what was right and what was wrong with my business.
Before ELS®, I was running the business out of a check book. Together, with my coach, we concentrate on the fiscal numbers and their meanings. This is paramount in gauging my decisions to make better, more informed judgments about the business. Without ELS® I wouldn’t have facts and figures to back up my choices.
Steady growth is evident in my numbers. In 2006, total revenues were $192, 000. In 2007 revenues grew to $310,000, and as of late summer 2008, the business has grown even more at $470,000.
Certified TYM brand tractor dealer, specializes in after-market tractor parts and equipment

ELS® Rookie Client